Will do: Character, Ships, Anthro, Suggestive (soft NSFW), OC's, Customs
Won't do: Hard NSFW, Gore, Complicated mecha

Digital Artist

✧༺bust up✧ ˚ · .༻∞

Base price: 5
+2$ |Sketch|
+4$ |base|
+5$ |detailed|

✧༺Half body✧ ˚ · .༻∞

Base price: 10
+2$ |Sketch|
+5$ |base|
+8$ |detailed|

✧༺full body✧ ˚ · .༻∞

Base price: 20
+2$ |Sketch|
+6$ |base|
+10$ |detailed|

Per emote: 5$
Batch of 5: 25 20$

I can't do animations, I apologize.

✧༺terms of service༻✧

ETA: latest it could be done is either a week or two, may take longer if depending on sudden occasions and business that I need to attend.
◆ For private commissions, you can't claim my products as your own and I'll hope that you'll rightfully credit me when posting it on other sites.
commercial commissions, the product is for sure to be your's and you have full permission to use it however.
◆Commissioner will receive the final product via E-mail to guarantee the correct quality, any other extra files for the product (add-ons, different bgs,...etc.) will also be added according to the commissioner's preferance. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to save the commission within a week of receiving all of the files. In case you’re unable to do so, please let me know a.s.a.p, I will be keeping the files within a month or so, if anything happens to them on your end then I could try and help you with the situation.
◆ If you'd like your artwork to be private and not posted, tell me in advanced and we could negotiate further.
NFT is forbidden here, i won't elaborate with anyone that requests me to make any sort of NFT product and they will be cut from all my contacts.
◆ I have the right to decline a commission request if the design is out of my league, the concept idea makes me feel uncomfortable or I’m unable to capture it well. It may be considered if you can provide .PNG files of the complex designs needed for the product.
◆I usually draw female characters and I rarely draw male characters. Backgrounds aren't really my specialty and I can only make up simple ones at best, do keep in mind when your planning to order from me.
◆As an artist, I have full rights and ownership of the commissioned artwork: posting it to my sites, making speed paints, or presenting it in my portfolios/artbooks.
◆ As an artist, I try to improve regularly, so if there are slight differences between the provided examples and the illustration then you could think over on ordering. Although, if you request a whole different piece than the one currently being worked on, I'm able to ask you to pay extra.
◆ Payments are only accepted in USD via Paypal invoice.
◆Payments comes in 2 sections, 25% in the |Sketch| phase to guarantee that you'll to pay the rest, 75% for the finished final product. commission order will be canceled if you fail to pay within 2 days .
I don't accept: payment plans or split payments, vouchers, gifts...
Unfortunately no refunds. Unless I have delayed the commission for way too long or I'm unable make your product anymore, it's a full refund.
Progress to make the product
◆Firstly, commissioner will receive draft sketches for the base ideas of the product. After that, you will get a cleaner draft to edit anything not to your liking. Please list all the changes when receiving these sketches. If everything is approved then I'll proceed to finish the artwork.
◆I offer a limited amount of edits during the sketch phase so please be aware of your changes. Be upfront about the changes you require but keep in mind that there’s a limit to how many times I allow edits. If something isn’t a necessary detail/ change, please don’t list it.(|Sketch|)
◆If you want to change anything in the finished product after it's been declared done or add anything extra, it might cost a fee depending on the changes. Mistakes from my end will be edited for free . You'll receive the finished product and other miscellaneouse pieces (different ver. of the product, background,...etc.)
Personal & Commercial commissions
Personal use is only meant for personal use. Using it as wallpaper/avatar on social media (Deviantart, Toyhouse, Twitter, Instagram, etc), printing for yourself (not for selling) is personal use.
Commercial use is for generating income, or any use that could create financial gains, such as utilizing the product for your brand or social media platforms that can gain you profits (marketing, business, ...etc.)